A key to success in life is our “habit of thought,” that is our mind-set! The most succesful “Being” ever is God! Image  being able to think like God thinks! The thoughts of God are creative, wise, powerful and life changing. Thinking like God will empower you and bring you greater success in life! Man was created in God’s likeness and image. We were created to communicate and fellowship with Almighty God and to represent Him here on earth. But, because of man’s (Adam’s) sin in the Garden of Eden, the thoughts of man have been tainted with sin! I know, some are saying we are not God and therefore cannot think God’s thoughts. They say, “don’t the bible say we cannot think like God thinks?” They are thinking of Isaiah 55:8-9. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” First of all, please understand the context of the above scripture and to whom God is speaking. God is inviting all of mankind to seek the LORD and receive his salvation and He particularly speaks to the wicked and the unrighteous; “Isaiah 55:6-7, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”  SO, YOU CAN THINK GOD LIKE GOD if you will receive God’s salvation in the person of Jesus Christ and seek the mind of Christ (God)!

When you believe (the Gospel) Jesus is the Son of God, that he died for the sins of the world, that God has raised him from the dead and you confess him as Lord (surrender your life to God in Christ) of your life, your are what the bible calls “saved.” You are now a new creation (spiritually) in Christ and have become righteous in Christ by faith. See 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. The seeds of greatness have been planted on the inside of you. You now have the ability to think God’s thoughts and to make God’s ways your ways! Even though you now have this new ability to think like God – to think for success, you must seek God’s thoughts and his ways as revealed to us in God’s holy word, the Bible. This is why God told Joshua he would be prosperous and have good success if he continually meditated on the word of God! Joshua 1:8 says “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” To think for success you must continually meditate the word of God. It is well documented that when you change your thinking, you change your beliefs and therefore your life. Your beliefs are born out of your thoughts. When you think (meditate) long enough on something and buy into it, those thoughts become a part of your belief system. In other words, what you believe is a collection of continual thoughts that have formed themselves into your personal convictions.

God wanted change so he thought creatively and spoke creatively! When God created the heavens and the earth he spoke that change into the world. See Genesis Chapter one(1). Remember, words are an expression of our thoughts! Creative people “think about their thinking,” in the light of God’s word and innovative people act on the results! Do you need or desire a change in your life? Do you need or desire greater success in your life? I certainly do! Perhaps the change or success you need or desire looks impossible. The word of God says all things are possible to him that believes. See Mark 9:23. So no matter how difficult or impossible things may be or seem, meditate the word of God concerning your situation and life. It is just a matter of time before you are thinking for success and such thoughts will become your belief! Thinking leads to believing and speaking. When Godly thinking, believing and speaking becomes your habit, your attitude  will change. When your attitude changes your behavior (performance) will change and you will prosper and have good success in life.

True success is being in, and doing that good, acceptable and perfect will of God! This is why the word of God tells us to be transformed(changed) by the renewing of our minds! See Romans 12:2. Listen, don’t allow the enemy of your soul (Satan, the Devil) and those under his influence to get you into offense, un-forgiveness and bitterness. People are bound with offense, un-forgiveness and bitterness because they are prideful and un-willing to forgive, admit their own sin or change. They spend their time meditating their hurts and selfish desires and not the word of God! Consequently they experience defeat and not success.

It’s time for a new attitude! Proverbs 23:7 tells us that as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Ephesians 4:23 tells us to be renewed in the spirit (attitude) of our mind. When we hear, read, study, meditate and act on God’s word we will experience change in our lives. When you change your thinking you change your beliefs. When you change your beliefs, your expectations in life will change! As a matter of course, as your expectations change, your attitude will change. So delight yourself in the word of God, meditate it day and night and you will prosper and have good success! See Psalm 1:1-3. When you plant (meditate, continually think on) the word of God, no matter what is going on in your life or in the world, you will expect success! Even in the midst of hardship and failure, your attitude will cause you to rise out of failure and overcome hardship! Remember, a bad attitude won’t let you stay up and a good attitude won’t let you stay down! Think for success!

Comments 9

  • Thank you for a life-changing word! Indeed when I discovered the power and wisdom of God’s word my life changed forever. The more we stay in God’s word the greater the changes we will see. Thinking the way God thinks has made all the difference for me.

  • Habit Habit Habit, Practice Practice Practice…. so it comes like breathing. In him I have my being! Ever thankful for the word of God in my life and constantly trying to APPLY it in all areas. It keeps me “sane” and grounded. I don’t know the type of person I would be without it, or what would my standard for living be. Who would define whats acceptable or not?It is the word of God, not popular belief. If I don’t teach my Kid how to apply the word of God in every situation, I feel as if I have failed as a parent. Thanks for the reminder Bishop!

  • Thanks for the encouragement and reminder to line my thoughts up with God’s word. Good word, definately something to “think” about!

  • Thanks for this on-time word.

  • Thank you Bishop!We are what we think. When my thoughts are in alignment with God’s Word,all things are possible.

  • Hello pr and mom Phyllis chip. Thanks so much for your encouragements about thinking the way god thinks becouse now I’ve at least taken on another dimension. in other wards from thinking negatively. thanks our mom and dad. Norah kawempe, maganjo.

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