Praise be to God! I’m sitting here in my living room pondering the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and the upcoming Easter Sunday celebration! Easter(the resurrection of Jesus Christ) represents victory and joy for those who believe! Yet I find myself also fighting feelings of defeat and discouragement because of some of the things that I am facing. When I focus on Jesus and the victory His life, death and resurrection has brought into my life, I am filled with faith, joy, peace, hope and love! When I began to focus on my problems, challenges or tough circumstances my feelings began to head down the path of sadness, discouragement, hopelessness and anger. I have learned over the years that it is essential to have a good, strong, healthy and godly attitude no matter what you are facing or how tough times may be.  My attitude is that I am “sent” and not “sold!” Please let me explain.

Most people have heard of Joseph in the Bible. You can read about the life of Joseph in Genesis 37:1 – 50:26. Joseph as a young man was given a dream from God. It was a dream that revealed Joseph’s destiny. It was a dream of exaltation! Yet Joseph found himself in many tests, trials and tribulations. It began when he shared his dream with his own family members. His brothers became jealous and put him in a pit with the initial intention to kill him. They decided to sell Joseph to the Midianites who took him to Egypt. The Midianites then sold Joseph to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh’s, and captain of the guard. Keep in mind now, Joseph has been sold twice since receiving his supernatural dream of exaltation! While under Potiphar’s rule Joseph prospered. In fact, the bible says the Lord was with Joseph and made all that he did to prosper! Even to the point that his master Potiphar recognized it and made him overseer over his house. The bible says that the LORD even blessed the Egyptian’s(Potiphar’s) house for Joseph’s sake!

The word of God(the bible) goes on to say that “Joseph was a goodly person, and well favoured.” In other words, Joseph had a good, strong, healthy and godly attitude! Even in the midst of very difficult times Joseph maintained a good and godly attitude. Ok-doh! Things are looking up! I know his present life may not reflect his dream, but it beats being killed or trapped in a pit. What happens next? Potiphar’s wife begins to lust after him and try to get Joseph to have sex with her! Joseph refused to do such a thing. As I said, Joseph had a good(moral) attitude. Not only did he have a good attitude, he had a godly attitude! How do I know? Because Joseph said to Potiphar’s wife, “how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? When Potiphar’s wife saw that Joseph would not have sex with her, she falsely accused him of sexual assault! Naturally, Potiphar was very “ticked-off” about this and had Joseph thrown into prison! Oh-Boy! It looks like another setback in the quest to fulfill the dream. It looks like Joseph’s destiny is lost forever.

Even in the face of another disappointment and hardship, Joseph maintained a good and godly attitude! While Joseph was in prison he prospered(as much as one can prosper in prison!). The bible says “the LORD was with Joseph, and showed him mercy, and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.” It goes on to say that the keeper of the prison put all the prisoners under Joseph authority and that basically Joseph became the director of the prison. WOW! Joseph really had a good and godly attitude. Most of us would have been so bitter because we were falsely accused that we would have started prison riots! Perhaps we would have allowed ourselves to become so despondent that we just sat in the corner of the prison and died, or just walked around in a zombie-like state. Anyway, Joseph kept a good and godly attitude!

The word of God then tells us that both the butler and baker of the king of Egypt fell out of favor with the king and were cast into prison. Both men dreamed a dream in the same night and were sitting around looking depressed when Joseph notice them. Joseph ended up interpreting their dreams and the outcome was just as Joseph had said. In fact, the butler was restored to his position. Joseph had asked him(the butler) to remember him when he was restored and to make mention of him to Pharoah so that Pharoah would deliver him out of prison. No matter what we face, if we maintain a good and godly attitude, God is still able to use us and give us supernatural revelation!  Well, two years later Pharoah dreamed a dream that greatly troubled him because he nor any of his magicians and wise men could give him the interpretation. Finally, the butler remembered Joseph who two years earlier had interpreted his dream and told Pharoah. Sometimes, it looks like people and even God has forgotten you. God has not forgotten you! God’s timing is perfect! We often don”t think so, but when our change comes we then see the wisdom of God’s timing.

Joseph interpreted Pharoah’s dream and saved Egypt and other nations from a seven-year famine. Pharoah was so impressed with Joseph’s wisdom and relationship with God that he promoted Joseph to second in command over all of Egypt! Of course, Pharoah being number one. Even his family, the same brothers who sold him into slavery had to come to Joseph to get provision that they might survive the famine! Atlas, the dream had come to pass. Joseph was in an exalted position and could have had his brothers killed, put in prison, or just refuse to give them provision to survive the famine. But Joseph maintained a good and godly attitude! Joseph forgave his brothers who had sold him twice into slavery! What was Joseph’s attitude? Joseph’s attitude was that he was “sent” and not ” sold!” This is what the bible says about Joseph’s attitude towards his brothers in Genesis 45:4-8, “And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt. Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that you sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life…And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth,and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharoah, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.”  So again,  Joseph’s attitude was ” I am sent and not sold!”

Even Psalm 105:17 says “He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant:”  I’m not trying to imply that Joseph never had a down moment. I know Joseph had to deal with disappointment after disappointment, betrayal after betrayal,hardship after hardship. But he fought for and maintained a good and godly attitude! To be “sold” is to be of the mindset that you’re powerless under your circumstances. It is to feel as though you have no control of your life and your dreams and visions will never come to pass! Joseph did not and could not deny he was experiencing tough times (the pit, sold twice into slavery, accused of sexual assault, and put in prison). Yet, Joseph’s attitude looked beyond his troubles to his dream! His focus was what God put in his heart. Joseph kept on believing the best when things were at their worst! Joseph never allowed satan to convince him that God was not with him. Joseph believed he was sent by God! When you have a “sent” attitude, no matter what situation you find yourself in, no matter how long you have been in that circumstance, you keep believing God is with you, favors you, and will prosper you. You believe God will always provide for you!

As  Christians, God has sent us into the world to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! God calls us into the various occupations in life that we as believers would be the salt of the earth and the light of the world! As we pursue our dreams, visions,and  occupations, righteousness and godliness, let us be reminded to maintain a good and godly attitude! Even though we like Joseph, may face tough times and situations, let us not become bitter, discouraged or quit! Jesus himself said he was sent by God. Yes, even the Son of God experienced hard times and mean people but he kept a good and godly attitude. He  was crucified on the cross by sinful man, but God raised Him from the dead to give us victory over sin and death! Jesus was indeed crucified by men, but himself said ” I lay down my life!. “In other words, my circumstances may say I am “sold” under the burden of the cross, but in truth, I am “sent” by God to bring abundant life to all who put their trust in me. So as you look forward, even to the Easter Celebration and beyond, let your attitude be ” I am sent and not sold! ”

Comments 5

  • I was blessed by “Sent, Not Sold” in reading I was reminded of a word God gave me a few weeks ago Psalm 40:4 “Bless is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not look to the Proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.” God was saying to me “trust me” don’t turn to man, or get weary in welling doing, for my way and timing is perfect. Like Joseph I have experience moment of high and low, but he (Jesus) sent me to be a light to those in darkness. All my low moments have prepared me for my next assignments, like Joseph I had to keep my attitude in check remembering it all about Jesus.

  • Thanks,Bishop, for yet another excellent article (Blog?…I’m not very ciber saavy) The story of Joseph is one of my all time favs. And also thank you for allowing the Lord to work so powerfully through you on Resurrection Sunday…awesome service. Love ya!!

  • Thank you Bishop for the encouraging word. Sent;Not Sold is an awesome word to hold close to your heart as a believer in these difficult times in the nation. Even though you wrote this article a couple of months ago I so needed the encouragement TODAY! It truly has encouraged my heart!! Just goes to show you that the word of God is good all the time. Love you Bishop and keep you in my prayers every day!!
    Min. Debra

  • Dear Pastor Chipp,I pray that u will take the time and do a study on the weekly 7th day Sabbath.I have searched the scriptures and have found that the Sabbath does have merit. the fourth commandment is a sign between God and his people and I am one of his people. sometimes it is hard for some of us to accept the truth because we have been so use to things being one way.The truth shall set u free.I may not have phd but the Holy Spirit lead and guided me to the truth,it took me years .I was lead wrong once but I now know the truth and it does make a difference.I hope to hear from u it has been 5yrs.
    May God Bless u and your family

    • Hello Shelly, it is unclear what you mean when you say that “the Sabbath does have merit,” and that you were “led wrong once but I now know the truth.” I do know that from time-to-time the teaching arises that we as christians must worship on the sabbath(7th day or Saturday) in order to be saved or biblical! However this is not true! I acknowledge that the fourth commandment is still relevant to christians today but something changed with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ! Join us at Faith Harvest Church, this Thursday, July 15th for bible study as I will share the word of God on this matter.

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