Upside-Down Thinking…?

I’m sitting here in my den thinking about God, the things of God, his people and the world. When I use the word “world” here, I am talking about that community of sinful humanity that is opposed to  God and the things of God. Naturally, or perhaps supernaturally, I’m joyful in heart and hopeful (have a confident expectation) towards the future. We have stepped over into what many in the U.S. would call the “Holiday Season.” In fact, I look forward to sharing some joyful words with you on the celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. But for the moment my thoughts on Christmas has reminded me that there are many in the world who would accuse me of upside-down thinking:wrong thinking, narrow thinking, being old-fashion or a “fuddy-duddy!” Why, because I choose to align my thoughts with God’s thoughts and my ways with God’s ways!

To many in the world, Thanksgiving is about giving thanks to everyone but God! There seems to be a growing sentiment that Christmas is about shopping, getting that long desired gift,time off from work and lots of food and fun. In short, for many the Christmas season is just one big party or celebration of life, divorced from the Giver of that very life they presume to celebrate – Jesus Christ! Some are embolden in their attempts to take Christ out of Christmas. They don’t want you to say Merry Christmas but rather, Happy Holidays. Some want us to call a Christmas tree a holiday tree, or tree of lights; anything but Christmas tree! They would have us to believe that our thinking is wrong and theirs is right!

We are definitely living in times were men call evil good, and good evil. Isaiah 5:20 says “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” There are those who will persecute and accuse you simply because you walk in the light! Why? Because they prefer darkness to light; they have allowed Satan(the devil) to blind their minds;they have allowed their thinking to become twisted. Yet they will accuse and attack you for thinking and walking uprightly! Like the apostle Paul, Silas, Jason and some of the other disciples of Christ, we will be accused of turning the world upside down. See Acts 17:6.

The disciples of Christ, walking uprightly and preaching the truth (The Gospel) was accused of turning the world upside down. They were being accused of “upside-down thinking.” What is really sad about this is that many of God’s own people allow those who call evil good, and good evil to convince them that they have “upside-down thinking!” So they fall inline with immoral thinking and political correctness. In Acts chapter 17 it was the “religious crowd” that accused the disciples of Christ of turning the world upside down. THEY WERE REALLY TURNING THE WORLD RIGHT-SIDE UP! They had heard the truth,were  walking in the truth and proclaiming the truth! The “religious crowd” (not the believing crowd), actually became very angry and brought Jason and other disciples to the authorities for judgment.

More and more we are finding ourselves defending our Bible based beliefs in the courts and legal system. The issue of same-sex marriage(homosexuality) and homosexuals serving openly in the military come to mind. LISTEN!  I’m not hating on homosexuals! I don’t doubt that they can shoot a weapon or fight as good as the next fellow. The problem is that it is morally wrong and in the eyes of God it is an abomination! It is sin and sin hinders God’s blessings on a nation. Especially a nation that legislates sin! The word of God says righteousness exalts a nation.  Our leaders and those in our legal system, especially our Judges are supposed to be representatives of justice and righteousness from God. Just because some judges and politicians legalize certain actions or behaviors don’t make it just or right.

As disciples of Christ let us stand firm and boldly on the word of God and in righteousness! Don’t let anyone convince you that aligning your thinking with the word of God is wrong. Don’t let folk get in your head and make you feel inferior because they hate your light and therefore accuse your performance,behavior and standard of living. Don’t back off the word of God. Don’t allow the “upside-down thinking” of the world dilute your committment and service to God this Christmas season or any other time for that matter!

Comments 8

  • Wow Bishop, this is so timely. I really enjoyed reading this, in fact I was thinking along the same lines today about Christmas and how we should protect the meaning of it. I especially liked the illustration of the upside down picture. You caught me off guard for a moment! I even turned my phone upside down to see if the pic downloaded correctly. Thank you for taking the time to write down your thoughts. It is so needed.

  • Tamar I enjoy encouraging your heart. You always encourage mine with your music and words. I am glad You are my daughter(spiritually & naturally)!

  • Awesome Bishop. I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to give us all of these good nuggets from God in the Blog. I absolutely love when I get an email and there is a new blog because I know that its timely and helps me keep my sword UP! Thank you for being so true to the Word of God.

  • Amen!

  • “The word of God says righteousness exalts a nation”

    This was a great word. I often think about what the world will be like when I have kids. Which leads me to pray for our nation and world.
    With political correctness being the standard, it is becoming increasinly obvious of the last days we are living in. Well, I guess thats why Jesus warns us. Thanks for the word, always a blessing.


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