Honor the Laws of God – Revisited!

I wrote this post back on April 20, 2010. In light of the Supreme Court’s Decisions today (6/26/2013) concerning “DOMA” (Defense Of Marriage Act) and California’s “Proposition 8,” I believe it should be revisited! I recently watched a sci-fi movie called “Riverworld.” I generally enjoy sci-fi movies especiallyBishop Chipp those like “Star Trek, Star Wars and the like. I know it is just entertainment, but I always view every movie I see through the window of the word of God. In fact, I view life through the word of God – period! Anyway, this movie has two homosexual characters that is normalized and mainstreamed into the plot of the movie. I must admit I was a bit surprised because I’m 53 years old and not accustomed to seeing homosexual characters in sci-fi movies. This is a recent development(past 10 years or so). I began to think about the fact that as I was growing up as a child  homosexuality was considered to be morally wrong and so homosexuals hid in the “closet!” It was not acceptable to publicly engage in such behavior or normalize such a lifestyle in movies as Hollywood seems to do today. There is definitely an agenda to make homosexuality an acceptable and normal lifestyle.

Before I go any further, I want to go on record and say this writing is not about “gay bashing.” This is about honoring the laws of God!  I am a Christian. I believe the Bible is the Word of God and it is the standard by which we should live our lives. The Bible says homosexual behavior is a sin(Levitcus 18:22; 20:13). The Bible teaches that God hates the sin of homosexuality, but loves the person even though they may practice such behavior. Our attitude towards homosexuals should be to love them, pray for their deliverance, but not endorse, enable or support the homosexual life style. Please understand that while homosexual conduct is a sin, we must not make it the “Cadillac” of sin. It is included in lists of sins such as fornication, idolatry,  adultery, covetousness, drunkenness, etc.  See 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. It is wrong to make it a special sin above all the other sins in the lists. We must remember that Jesus paid the price for all sin on the cross! However this does not mean we should have a lenient attitude towards this behavior or any other sin.

Homosexuality is a sin that must be overcome just as any other sin. It must first be recognized as sin, confessed as sin and repented of through faith in Jesus Christ. This is the only way God can involve Himself and bring about a complete deliverance. I know the process I just stated is a bit simplified from what the actual experience may be for many caught up in this sin, but is true just the same. In any case, as with all sinful behavior, the only real cure for homosexuality is a personal, continual, intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ!

From a cultural perspective, as an African-American, it really angers me when people promote the homosexual lifestyle and agenda by saying it is their civil right. They speak of  “gay rights,” “African -American rights,” and “Civil rights” all in the same breath or sentence! African- Americans are born with a certain skin pigmentation and have historically been mistreated because of it! No where in the Bible does the word of God say it is a sin to be born “Black!” African-Americans(Blacks) have had to fight for their civil rights(moral rights) because they were being discriminated against because of their skin color. Homosexuals have never been denied the right to vote, to use public toilets, sit in the front of the bus, or service in a particular restaurant!  Homosexuals however are not born that way. The scriptures teach that these individuals make a choice to engage in such behavior or lifestyle.  See Romans 1:18-32. I am fully aware that some young children have been sexually abused or experienced some negative life circumstance that caused them to accept wrong thinking and feelings of attraction toward the same-sex. Sometimes this may happen at such an early age that they began to believe they were born that way. Even so, it still becomes a choice they make. Others have had similar experiences but by the grace of God made a different decision about their sexual orientation. The truth of the matter is that it’s not about “Civil rights,” but about “Sinners rights!” They just want to be able to come out of the “closet” and not feel bad about it!

Finally, Please be aware that even though man may pass laws that make such behavior legal, it does not mean that it is moral or approved by God! Some of our leaders, politicians and judges are actively promoting or supporting the “gay rights” agenda. Many citizens, even though they themselves don’t engage in this behavior nor approve of it continue to elect leaders and officials that do. This is really disturbing to me especially when I see  Christians whose standard of living should be the Bible(The Word Of God) frequently vote people into office whose platform includes support for gay rights advocates. Many people think that just because a law is passed in favor of homosexuality that it makes the deed okay. No it is still sin, and brings God’s judgement on the individual and this nation.

Consider what the word of God has to say about the leaders and judges we put into office to make judgements and pass laws. Ezra 7:25-26 says “And thou Ezra, after the wisdom of thy God, that is in thine hand, set magistrates and judges, which may judge all the  people that are beyond the river, all such as know the laws of thy God; and teach ye them that know them not. And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king, let judgement be executed speedily upon him, whether it be unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment. The laws of man are supposed to come from the laws of God. We should put leaders and judges in authority that know the laws of God and make judgements based on the laws of God. We seem to have many leaders and judges who not only don’t know the laws of God, they have contempt for the word of God! They know the law books, but they don’t know the Bible nor its God!

The laws of government signify its beliefs. If a country make laws that are contrary to the commandments of God, it  says that it believes in and accepts those behaviors. When we vote in men and women that support or make laws that are opposed to God’s laws and ordinances, we are in essence saying ” no to God.” We are saying He is not the Lord of our Lives! As a people whose Lord is God, let us be strong and do the right thing and vote for righteousness! Let us honor the laws of God that we and our nation may be blessed.

Comments 6

  • Thanks for this timely and courageous word. Our nation is moving further away from God. I am praying for revival in the Church and a Spiritual Awakening in our nation. God’s word will stand and we, His people, must stand on His word!

    • Amen, Pastor Phyllis! Well said. God’s Word will stand and may all who say “I believe” stand on His Word!

  • thank you for sharing this Bishop Chipp. As I was reading your post ,I thought of the scripture Hosea4:6 “my people perish for lack of knowledge…many people trying to change God s Word to fit in today’s culture..or believe the Word isn’t relevant to today’s society .

  • Thanks, Bishop Chipp for teaching God’s uncompromised Word. It is so encouraging and right on time, especially when immorality surrounds us daily. We live in a nation where right is wrong and wrong is right. My spirit is so heavy and sad at what is taking place around this country, but thanks be to God that as believers we know the end result! We WIN! During this season, we must seek God’s face and pray! Love you and keep the Truth coming!

    • Amen Kim. Prayer, speaking the truth and voting for righteousness will help us walk in that victory!

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