The Creation Of Man. Most people have heard of  “the theory of evolution.” You know, the belief held by some that man started out as some lower life form and “evolved” into the intellectual and superior being that he now is. For those of us who know what the Bible (Word of God) teaches, understand that man was created and did not evolve into his present state. In fact, man was created in the image and likeness of God(Genesis 1:26-27). Man is God’s highest creation. The man God created was so intelligent that he(Adam) was given authority over the earth. He (Adam – the first man God created) even gave names to every beast of the field,  fowl of the air and every living creature (Genesis 2:19-20). The first man God created was highly intelligent and “on the top of his game” one might say today! Man had a right relationship with God and enjoyed all the wonderful blessings of God.

The Sin Of Man. Man was living large; walking with God, talking with God and enjoying His presence. But man sinned with the enticement of satan (the devil). See Genesis chapter 3. Man disobeyed God’s instruction which resulted in a separation between God and man. Man was ultimately kicked out of the Garden of Eden and not allowed to return. This separation is what we call “spiritual death.” God had told man the day he ate of the fruit of “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” he would surely die. We know that God was speaking of a spiritual death because Adam  lived at least another 800 years (Genesis 5:1-5).  Sin causes man to become spiritual dead to God, which means the spirit of man is no longer in fellowship and proper relationship with God. Sin causes a dis-connect between man and God! The very life of God, His wisdom,strength, joy and peace is lost because of sin. Sin pushes us into the realm of curses and separates us from the realm of blessings! Sin destined man for judgement, hell and ultimately eternal torment in the lake of fire. See Revelation Chapter 20.

The Devolution Of Man. Satan has been pushing the lie of the evolution of man because it promotes man’s own self-styled knowledge and robs God of the glory that is due His name. The truth of the matter is that when man insists and persists on rejecting or suppressing the truth of the knowledge of God; the result is  “the devolution of man.”  Now, some of you that know me may be thinking, Oh-Oh, Bishop Chipp is making up words again! But this a word that you will find in the dictionary. However, if I were to make up this word in the context of this message I would spell the word this way -“devillution!” Anyway, the definition of the word ‘devolution’ is the act or fact of devolving. To devolve means to roll or flow downward. In other words the moral and spiritual condition of man apart from God’s holy standard is headed down-hill! It also means to move from one person to another; to deliver over, or from one possessor to a successor. Listen, when man disobeys the word of God and refuses to acknowledge the true, infinite and holy God; man devolves from a higher moral plane to one of foolishness and depravity(Romans 1:18-32). It should be noted that the sinful devolution of man comes about because of man’s refusal to acknowledge, honor and glorify God though they can see He exists from visible creation. When man refuses to acknowledge that creation demands a creator and that design demands a designer they become vain in their imaginations! They think they are wise but in truth they are fools! The bible says they changed the  glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, to birds, to four-footed beasts, and to creeping things. See Romans 1:21-23.  Now, did you notice the devolution (from uncorruptible God to corruptible man, bird, beats and finally to creeping things). One of the definitions of devolution is to deliver over! God, because of man’s insistence on ignoring the light of the knowledge of God that they did  have, gave them over to their uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts. God gave them over to a reprobate mind! Romans 1:24-32.

Although knowledge is increasing in the earth as witnessed by the technological marvels of medicine, science, computers and the internet; the general moral and spiritual condition of humanity is devolving (flowing downward to greater ungodliness and depravity) because of man’s refusal to retain God in their knowledge(Romans 1:28). In this nation(U.S.A.) there is a continual push to remove God and His rule of living from creation, schools, textbooks, science, history,government, politics, and our moral standard of living. A high and godly moral standard that was once seen in our attitudes and behaviors have now devolved into godless laws or the pursuit thereof(i.e. abortion, same-sex marriages/unions, homosexuals openly serving in the military,removal of prayer from certain government controlled institutions, removal of Christian symbols from public life, etc.). The Bible speaks to the devolution of the human condition also in 2 Timothy 3:1-7. It says in the last days dangerous times shall come. People will become more  and more selfish. Self-love will prevail! A ‘get-and grab’ greedy attitude and a boastful spirit will be evident. Pride will be overbearing. People will become more and more abusive, insulting, foul-mouthed and contemptuous in speech. Evil speakers! The list continues with rebellious children, un-thankfulness – people lacking in appreciation, unholy – irreverent and holding nothing sacred, without natural affection,trucebreakers, slanderers-speaking false and malicious reports, no self-control,brutal,traitors-no loyalty,heady-reckless and self-willed,haughty and lovers of pleasures more than God!

The Gospel. I know some of you may be thinking “this guy is so negative and depressing!” But hold on; keep reading because I have some good news. I’m talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for a bad situation. The word gospel means “good news.” It’s through the preaching of the Gospel ( the sharing of your faith in Jesus Christ with others) that enables sinful humanity to escape the wrath and judgement of a holy and righteous God. This is why in Romans 1:16, the apostle Paul said he was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ because it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.  Have you ever noticed how people who don’t know God or reject the Bible as the Word of God by which all mankind should live their lives expect the world to come to a horrific end! Even Hollywood in most of their movies promote a dark, gloomy, apocalyptic future of all humanity void of the  sovereignty or help of a benevolent and loving God. “Political correctness” is nothing more than the sinful devolution of man. Many have been deceived into thinking technological advances will save the world.Jesus is the only Savior of the world, therefore we must preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others! Facebook and Twitter are wonderful social tools, but they will never save the soul of man or fill the void in man designed only for God! Technological advances are not necessarily evil in and of itself,it may even be desirable, but it cannot save you. Technology may make life easier or help things to happen much faster, but without the moral and spiritual standard of God, life will never be better! Remember, we are saved by grace through faith, not works(this includes technological advances of man)!

With all the increase in knowledge and technological advances; murder, disease, natural disasters, divorce, hatred, poverty, wars, terrorism, mental disease, anxieties and many other things only continue to increase in the earth and this nation(U.S.A.). Jesus Christ is the answer to “the devolution of man.” Because of sin, all peoples of the earth will be judged. The world will come to an end as we know it today. The bible is clear that one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth because God will not allow the sinful devolution of man to continue forever!The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this; God who is sovereign, eternal, holy and righteous sent his Son Jesus to the earth, who was born of a virgin, died on the cross for the sins of the world(as a substitute for us even though he himself had no sin), God raised Jesus from the dead testifying that Jesus death satisfied God’s righteous demands. And all that believe this and confess Jesus as Lord of their Life will be saved!

Those who believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ and confess him as Lord of their life, that is – surrender their life to God in Christ and live their lives according to God’s holy standard(The Bible) will escape the devolution of man and become a light in an ever-increasing dark world. Jesus is the Light of God that is come into the World. In fact, the bible says Jesus is the Light of the World!Therefore, all who believe on Him become the light of the world. God’s word says  darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness upon the people but the glory of the lord will be seen upon God’s people. The word of  God admonishes us to arise and shine because Jesus our Light is come! Not only must we live our life in such a manner that glorifies God, we must shine the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into a world that caters to the sinful devolution of man. – Isaiah 60:1-2

Comments 3

  • Thanks Bishop, I learned a new word 2day “devolution” of man–the decline of mankinds moral fiber and fall out of right standing with God.One Christian through Christ Jesus, we have the answer. Spread the Good News of the Gospel one soul at a time.

  • The downward spiral of man is a very serious issue. But thanks be to God for the gift of Jesus Christ the Righteous who is the only hope for mankind’s decline. I believe that we as believers of Christ can counter act the devolution of man by being “Devoted” to soul winning/spreading the good news of Jesus Christ though out the earth. So Blog On Bishop Blog On!!!!!!

  • Bishop, your message is powerful. Thank you for preaching the truth. You are a blessing.

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