Years ago as a young man in the ministry of God’s word I heard a seasoned man of God say, “everything rises and falls on the leadership!” He was talking about the importance of strong godly leadership in the church. He was especially speaking of an organization’s leadership team. To be succesful, every organization or entity (from families to world governments) must have a purpose ,plan or vision for itself and the leadership to spearhead and engage the vision. The Bible is replete with leadership principles that are applicable to all endeavors, not just “church” business. God Himself is the supreme righteous leader of the world! He is the creator and maker of all therein. So He knows what succesful leadership is; it’s importance and challenges.

God knows what it is like to have to deal with leaders on the leadership team who become prideful and bring division to the plans and purposes of God. I am particularly thinking of Lucifer who was the anointed cherub that led praise and worship in heaven. See Ezekiel 28:13-19 and Isaiah 14:12-16. Lucifer became prideful and decided to exalt himself to be like God. Lucifer managed to convince(deceive) one-third of the angelic host to follow himself. See Revelations 12:4.  Of course, God dealt with Lucifer and the other angels that followed him and kicked them out of heaven! We now know Lucifer as Satan or the Devil and his followers as demons. Their destiny is hell and ultimately the Lake of Fire! See Revelations 20:10. Things never end well for rebellious leadership!

Even Jesus, the Son of God and Head (Leader) of the Church of God had to deal with leaders on His leadership team whose heart became corrupt; or had a lapse of faith and good judgement, or their attitude was wrong. Judas comes to mind of a leader whose heart became corrupt; Peter as an example of leader that had a lapse of faith and good judgement, and the two brothers James and John whom Jesus surnamed “The Sons of thunder,” who on occasion had a wrong attitude. Every organization, group or entity will have one(1) head leader who should also be the visionary leader! I once heard a preacher say anything with more than one head is a “freak!” Anyway, in the case of a local church, the Senior Pastor is the God ordained visionary leader of the assembly. He does not lead alone though! He must raise up and maintain leadership in the local assembly that includes the ministerial staff, deacons, board members (this has to do more with the legal requirements of the church imposed by government, however they should still be spiritual, faithful and loyal to God, the Pastor and the Church), volunteer staff and community leaders.

One of the most critical dynamics and forces of a leadership team is unity! Jesus said a house divided against itself cannot stand! This is why the devil loves to use anyone, anything, situation or circumstance to bring dis-unity to a church, organization, nation, family or marriage. He wants to destroy it, especially if it represents God and stands for righteousness! If the devil can’t destroy it, he will try to render it ineffective with constant distractions, deceptions and lies. The oneness or unity of the leadership team must be nurtured,developed and made strong and maintained in order for it to exist in the church at-large!  The Devil knows that unity is the environment and dynamic that releases the anointing. And it is the anointing that breaks yokes and removes burdens, that brings the kingdom of darkness to nothing! See Isaiah 10:27 and Psalm 133.

Those on the Pastor’s leadership team must be in agreement and in fellowship with the senior Pastor. You must maintain a relationship with your leader because it is from him/her that you receive your authority to lead in the church. Authority is the right to influence! Leadership is influence. Don’t allow yourself to be become a position minded leader. Holding a leadership position does not necessarily make you a leader or even a good one! Position minded leaders will do whatever it takes to stay in that position even when God wants to move them on! They will sabotage the spiritual growth of the church and other leaders just to maintain position, power and the  appearance of a leader. As a member of your church’s leadership team you must make sure your relationship and fellowship is right with your Pastor! Otherwise you are bringing dis-unity to the team and God is not pleased! Don’t let the Devil deceive you into thinking you can serve God and be a leader in the church apart from a proper relationship and fellowship with your Pastor. Some leaders who are offended (too prideful to confess fault and accept correction) with their Pastor try to jump super-spiritual and say, “I’m serving Jesus and I don’t need to be accountable to the Pastor that way!  Jesus himself called his leadership team to (1) be with HIM! (2) that HE might send them forth (3) to operate under HIS authority. See Mark 3:13-19. Dis-unity and problems come to the leadership team and church when a leader wants to “go forth” and “have authority” but don’t want to be with the Pastor!

Please allow me to speak prophetically. More and more in these last days we will see attempts by the Devil and the world (that community of sinful humanity that is opposed to God and the things of God)  attacking the Church’s leadership with the intent to disgrace, divide and destroy! It does not matter if the leader is innocent or not because the accusations themselves are designed to slander, disgrace and destroy. Remember, another name for the Devil is “the accuser of the brethren.” See Revelation 12:10 Listen, I am not making excuses for anyone! We should not be in leadership if we are not living up to God’s spiritual and moral laws. Leaders that fall into sin, must confess and repent of their sins quickly and allow someone to process them back to restoration in due time! Having said that, please be aware that there are people in this world who hate the Church of God and it’s leadership simply because it stands for righteousness. Just because that leader or organization preaches righteousness, that is – God’s moral standard, and shines light on their un-righteous behaviors or lifestyle they are very hostile to the leader and to Christianity.

We as believers must not allow the world to define who we are and what our moral standard should be. The world often criticizes the church for coming against immorality[they call it being  judgemental] but they themselves are quick to judge the Church and it’s leadership when accusations are made. Even when the accusations come from within the church, we must learn to reserve judgement until due process has taken place. We must learn not to be so quick to receive an accusation against our leaders! 1 Timothy 5:19 says “Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.” Again, we must learn not to be so quick to receive an accusation against our leaders. We cannot believe everything we hear from news reports and gossip. A witness is someone who actually saw or heard something with their own eyes and ears!

Church, let us rise up and pray for our leadership on all fronts! See 1 Timothy 2:1-4. Let us pray  for their strength and for wisdom to handle their prosperity and success. Let us pray the enemy of our souls will not destroy our good works with lies and false accusations. Let us walk wisely , uprightly, and give the enemy no occasion for accusation. Not that he needs one! Let us get back to our business of leadership. As believers, we are all called to be leaders; that is, leading others to God’s salvation in Jesus Christ! See Mark 16:15-20.

Comments 9

  • This resonates with me in so many ways. It is a strong message that I hope is embraced by the Body of Christ in these critical times.

  • Bishop, I humble myself to your leadership and training to be molded and shaped into the type of leader that will glorify God.

    I am excited about what is getting ready to happen within and with Faith Harvest Church! God bless your humble and obedient spirit to the guidance of God. I am ready.

  • Great blog Bishop. Both timely and prophetic. I am really looking forward to this new season of leadership training. We have great models to look to!

  • Good word.

  • Thank you for taking the time to right these blogs they are always timely and full of wisdom.

  • Thank you, bishop Chipp for this insightful and timely word on leadership. We must be about our Father’s business. What an honor to be a leader in the Church and also what a great responsibility! I look forward to our upcoming leadership training. My prayers and love are with you during this God ordained season of training. I am ready to go to new levels in God. To God be the glory. Bishop Chipp God is with you and I am with you too. Thank’s again.

  • Thanks Bishop, for your leadership and teaching, it keeps me focus on what need to be done, and faithful to God.

  • Bishop,

    Powerful teaching on leadership and walking Godly before man and accepting accountability for your actions. As Christian the enemy is always looking for a crack to come in and cause confusion and discord among the brethren. We as leaders must check our selves repenting of all unrighteousness and asking God to help us be a light to draw people to the kingdom and not away. If you seek God for wisdom in your decision process,(see James 1:5) and be lead by him he will get the Glory for all we do.
    The devil will be put to shame in every situation, not our will be let his will be done. Remember, the only battle we have is to preach and teach Christ.
    Thank You for being about your Father’s business

  • Bishop Chipp thank you for your strong leadership. Your blog is profound and insightful. It is very relevant because the church is under attack by Satan. Satan is our adversary;he walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1Peter 5:8). For this reason, it is imperative that we stay vigilant and stand firm on the Word of God. Again, thank you so much.

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