
In view of this nations present political, and economic season, I want to take some time to encourage the voting standard of some and challenge the voting standard of others. By voting standard I mean what is the authoritative criteria by which you decide who, and what issues you will vote for? I realize that most people have already adopted certain standards by which they vote. Some vote according to: 1. political party 2. ethnicity 3. financial needs 4. medical needs or 4. tradition. these are all important issues but all our decisions at the poll should be directed by what is right!

The Word of God & Your Voting Standard

The word of God (the Bible) should act as the final authority in every area of our lives! Matthew 4:4 says “…It is written, MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEDETH OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.” This fundamental principle applies to our family, finances, professions and even our political affiliations. The Bible is a revelation from God of Jesus Christ to humanity and is a manual for living our lives. Especially for Christians! When we are faced with concepts, ideas or beliefs that contradict(oppose) what the Bible has to say, then we are to choose God’s word over what anything or anyone else says! Jesus is the Word of God made flesh. Jesus is our example! See John 8:28-29. Jesus governed all of his decision-making on what God the Father had to say. He looked to God and His word for direction. Jesus lived his life according to God’s principles and laws. As Christians, so should we! See John 8:31.


It’s amazing to me how willing some Christians are to pray for the will of God to be done on earth ( Luke 11:2) and how unwilling those same Christians are to vote the will of God here on earth! Christians have a responsiblity to make sure that God’s will is manifested in their nation. What happens in our nation and communities must not be left to ungodly politicians, secular media, or anti-God maneuvering. We have a part to play beyond prayer. We seek God’s face to take action! Listen, don’t sit outside the political arena and voting process thinking you don’t need to vote or do anything because God has it all under control. Don’t succumb to the foolish and false political rhetoric that is constantly spewed out on us in the name of “separation of church and state”. Some politicians want your vote and your money but they don’t want your God (godly beliefs)! God, His people and His values belong in our government!

Applying Your Voting Standard To The Issues Of The Day

The Bible tells us that when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice but when the wicked rule the people mourn! Proverbs 29:2. We should not vote for issues or people that are on the wrong side of God’s righteous standard; regardless of their ethnicity, social status or political party! Find out what the candidates believe and stand for. Try to find out what their voting record has been in the pass. Abortion, Homosexuality and creating some semblance of a welfare state continue to be hot-bed issues in our nation. Abortion is wrong! God’s word says “thou shalt not kill…”  A child that is in the mother’s womb is still alive and has a destiny in God! See Ecclesiates 11:5, Jeremiah 1:5 & Isaiah 49:1.

Homosexuality and same-sex marriage is wrong! Even though some judges may pass laws that allow same-sex marriage and endorse the homosexual lifestyle it does not  make it morally or spiritually right! Homosexuality violates God’s holy standard. It is an abomination to God. See Leviticus 18:22; 20:13.

Many people vote for issues and politicians that promise them prosperity through “welfare state ideologies”. Even though we may be having a tough time financially, we must be sure to vote for issues and people that will bring God’s blessing on the nation. Some people believe that every person should have the same amount of wealth! That there should be a re-distribution of wealth. Everyone should certainly have the same (equal) opportunity to earn wealth, and prosper in life. But even God rewards us according to our productivity and faithfulness to His righteous standard. Please see Luke 19:11-27.  Helping the needy is right and biblical when properly administered! We should help the poor (Proverbs 19:17; 29:7, 10:4). However, whatever welfare system we have should be a “work-reward” system that requires a certain level of behavior and diligence from its participants. 2 Thessalonians  3:10 tells us “… if any would  not [not-could not] work, neither should he eat.” More than anything, the poor needs the Gospel preached to them! See Matthew 11:5.

Many people, and unfortunately some Christians, do not make the connection between righteousness (morality/God’s righteous standard) and the success of the nation and their own personal success. Remember, the Bible says that when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. Proverbs 29:2. The Bible also says, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34.  So people of God, if we want to see our city prosper and bring honor to God, let us vote according to God’s righteous standard. Proverbs 11:11 says, “By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.  Do not be swayed by the economy, media, current popular opinion, or what seems to be politically correct. So I admonish you my brothers and sisters in Lord to raise the voice of righteousness through your vote! Consider the folowing links in your pursuit to raise the voice of righteousness through your vote:  ,

Comments 5

  • Bishop, thank you for that! I truly appreciate your boldness to preach the Gospel to all. This is very timely and needed for the church to arise and shine. I pray that this election will reflect God’s Standards and His Will for our country not just by prayer but because we took ACTION 🙂

  • Thank you for such profound teaching Bishop! The clarity in which you convey God’s standard is amazing. You ALWAYS does such an awesome Job to make sure that the people are not being deceived. You don’t just write things to be writing, but it is always backed up by the word of God and his promises!! You reminded me once again why I need a shepherd, one that can lead the people into God’s truth and can teach people how to apply the word of God to todays issues. We need the word of God in every area of our lives. It sadens me too that some Spiritual leaders are fearfull to unfold the truth to the people, such as this. I thank you that you teach the word of God, and you bring the uncomproming word not according to popular belief I am appreciative that I have an awesome leader and great shepherd.

  • Yes sir!

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