Victory Over SAD!

I just recently received an email from a health care magazine that had an article about how to treat SAD. SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. At first, I thought someone was just trying to be provocative to sell their health care product. I began to research SAD and find out more information. Seasonal affective disorder ( …


Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! In light of the current trend of the anti-Christ spirit that is trying to take Christ out of Christmas in this country(U.S.A.), I rejoice in my present freedom to openly declare unto you a merry Christmas. Just today I witnessed an atheist say on FOX News that soon Christmas will …

Upside-Down Thinking…?

I’m sitting here in my den thinking about God, the things of God, his people and the world. When I use the word “world” here, I am talking about that community of sinful humanity that is opposed to  God and the things of God. Naturally, or perhaps supernaturally, I’m joyful in heart and hopeful (have a …