We are living in a time where the word “tolerance” represents political correctness for many. My first real understanding of the word tolerance came as a young man studying Electrical Engineering in College. When I began to work in the industry, the electronics I developed had to be encased and mounted into a metal rack …


As I sit here in my den pondering the future and the things that are presently going on in the world, I am reminded of the importance and power of hope! To live a life without hope is to live a life of sadness. A short and simple definition of hope is “expectation of future good!” Many …


To state the obvious, “there is a lot going on in the world today!” So much activity, confusion and hardships in every arena. I have been somewhat quiet (Blog wise) because I have been very disgusted and angry with the things  I am observing in the world; Especially in our country (the U.S.) where government, education, …