Category «Right Thinking»

Spiritual SPAM!

I realize I may be addressing several generations so I better bring some clarity to the word SPAM in the title of this post. For an older generation, the word spam brings to mind a small can of processed meat used to make sandwiches! But for a younger generation, the word spam is a computer …


As I observe the things going on in the world today I must make this point, there is a lot of “jacked-up” thinking going on! The term “jacked-up” is slang and means “really messed up!” Therefore I want to emphasize an often over-looked principle even among some in the faith community. The principle is this: “Wrong …

Upside-Down Thinking…?

I’m sitting here in my den thinking about God, the things of God, his people and the world. When I use the word “world” here, I am talking about that community of sinful humanity that is opposed to  God and the things of God. Naturally, or perhaps supernaturally, I’m joyful in heart and hopeful (have a …